Joy can change the world, and spreading the joy of surfing to Afghanistan is a risk worth taking. Please help us make that happen with Kickstarter!
“In a country that has been crippled by war for the last 40 years every human’s right to the pursuit of happiness is easily forgotten. I can’t explain how much fun surfing can be. I want to bring this joy, that I love so much myself, to my home country.” Afridun Amu, Wave Riders Association of Afghanistan President and Founder .
Afridun Amu loves surfing but Afghanistan has no ocean. In an effort to share the joy of surfing with his home country, Afri established the Wave Riders Association of Afghanistan (WRAA) in 2012. Since then WRAA has hosted the first Afghan National Surf Competition in Portugal and joined the International Surf Association World Games. Afri has spent much of his life searching the world’s coastlines for surf spots but in June 2018 Afri and a team of river surfers traveled to his home country, landlocked Afghanistan, with just the same goal.
Afri joined the three other surfers in the expedition coming from Germany and Canada. Since their return the crew of surfers has started a film and currently looking for support on their Kickstarter page to be able to share their story with the world.
“All I wanted to do was travel to a new place and find some waves but surfing those waters opened the eyes of those kids to the possibility of surfing in their home. Seeing surfing in movies and magazines is all I had access to as a kid but from the moment I saw someone on a surfboard I knew I wanted that in my life no matter what it took to make it happen. It felt incredible to now be the one to give that gift.” Jacob Kelly Quinlan, Canadian River Surfer and Expeditioner.
Are the positive vibes of surfing, even if we are land locked, something we take for granted? Lets help bring the joy of surfing to Afghanistan; where people are in desperate need of peace and relief.
View the the Kickstarter and contribute to the project if you feel so led!
A special thank you to our Community Leader Jacob Kelly Quinlan for helping to make this project a reality.
Keep the Stoke Alive!