As a global crew of Land Locked Surfers, one of our goals is to build an archive of Community Leaders passionate about helping others discover the stoke of surfing outside of the ocean. This will help accomplish our vision of having an accessible point person for each surf community, location, and discipline. For example, if you live the United States, especially in the Colorado region, and you are trying to get into inland surfing then Alex Mauer is our recommended resource for you. His inland surfing network runs deep in Colorado and he is passionate about sharing with others the stoke he finds out on the water!
For questions about surfing in Colorado it’s best to contact Alex through his Instagram: @alexandermauer
Let’s get to know Alex, your Colorado surf connection!
Q: Give us some background, who is Alex Mauer?
Alex: I’ve always been drawn to the water. I grew up doing every sport you can imagine. I’m addicted to having fun!
Q: How and when did you get into Surfing in Colorado?
Alex: When I was like 12 or 13 my dad got me and my brother a boogie board and told us to go play down by the river. I saw a kayakers surfing river waves and I knew it would be possible to surf the same waves on a surfboard. After catching my first river wave I was hooked! I would travel around and surf waves the kayakers told me about. I started getting in the stand-up paddling because I could surf smaller waves and paddle down the river to find new waves. I have been helping pioneer the surf and stand up paddle scene here in Colorado ever since.
Q: Through your eyes describe the surf scene in your area, what are you doing to help it grow?
Alex: When I first started river surfing, people looked at me like I was crazy when I tried to explain it to them. Years later, people are starting to recognize the sport in my area. To try and grow the sport I’m always sharing my stoke with whoever I run into you. I help new surfers when I see them on the river. I also, invite new people to come out with me and try the sport for the first time.
Q: In Colorado, what are a few types of inland surfing riders are taking advantage of, which is your favorite, and why?
Alex: In Colorado there are plenty of ways land locked riders take advantage of the surf CO has to offer. We river surf, stand up paddle, wake surf, skim board flat water, and even surf the powder when it snows. We also skateboard.
Q: As a Locked Surfing Community Leader, what are your areas of expertise new riders should ask you about?
Alex: I love anything on the water. I try to be well-rounded when it comes to water sports. You can ask me just about anything and I can help you out!
Q: What drives you to get better everyday?
Alex: Progressing the sport keeps me motivated. I want to push the sport as far as I can and do as many tricks and innovations as possible. I’ve never felt like I’ve hit my potential as a surfer. I think that’s what is cool about surfing, there is always something new to do or try.
Q: What are your surfing/life goals for this year?
Alex: This year I am most stoked for a road trip I’m taking to hit up some river waves I’ve really been waiting a long time to surf. I’m just excited to see where the sport goes in the next year!
Q: In your world of surfing, who do you look up to most and why?
Alex: I look up to John John Florence, Austin Keen, Kai Lenny and Laird Hamilton. All those guys are pushing the limits of the sport that’s exactly what I want to do for river surfing!
Q: Outside of river surfing what are your other passions?
Alex: Family is really important to me.
Q: What is something funny very few people may know about you?
Alex: I love goofing around in the water. I will try and surf anything no matter what shape it is! Watching that stuff is always good for a laugh or too!
Closing Thoughts: I’m honored to be a landlocked surfing Community Leader. I just want to thank Kirk for this opportunity. I look forward to helping many of you on the river and in the water!
Questions about surfing in Colorado? Best to contact Alex through his Instagram: @alexandermauer