On Saturday April 22nd, 2017 Ottawa’s only local Surf shop, Surf Side @Surfsideottawa will be hosting the Second Ever Ottawa River Surf Jam at the Bate Island Standing Wave (The Wall)!
Last year a dedicated member of Surf Side, Alex Copp @Coppdis organized the inaugural Ottawa River Surf Jam last April, 2016. There was between 20-25 (Male and Female) Land Locked Surfers from across Eastern Canada, who braved the frigid temperatures and cool winds to compete at Bate Island.
The event was a great success with over 150 excited spectators enjoying the sunny display of Slashes, Ollies and even a 360 by local legend Dave Crichton @Davecrichton. Another local big name River Surfer took home the Prize for Most Stoked Surfer, John Rathwell @Searchingforsero. After qualifying for finals, Dave (Crichton) ended up winning Best Trick with his 360 and also landed First Place for Best Overall Surfer, which also resulted in him walking away with a brand new Odysea Skipper provided by rad guys at Catch Surf!
Kelsey Chiappa @kchiappa, another well-known name in Canadian Water Sports Community placed first in the Women’s category, which landed her in the Top 5 Surfers of the Event. All contestants were awarded a Goodie bag full of fun surprises and the Top 5 Surfers were handed some tasty hydration units from White Water Brewery. We were extremely lucky to have so many great surf brands backing the event last year as well as the kind people at David’s Tea for keeping the contestants and bystanders warm with complimentary hot beverages! For more photos from the 2016 Event
This year we are grateful to once again have a handful of like-minded brands supporting the growth of the Ottawa River Surfing Community! Here’s a list of confirmed sponsors who donated some awesome prizing for The Second Annual Ottawa River Surf Jam: White Water Brewery, Vissla, Surf Ontario, @Land_Locked_Surfing and North Board Distribution (FCS, Gorilla Grip, SexWax & Xcel Wetsuits. Surf Side will also be grilling up some Hot Dogs and Hamburgers for the Surfers, while we would appreciate it if spectators could bring a non-perishable food item (to Donate to the less-fortunate) in exchange for a hot dog or burger.
The water levels are high and Mother Nature’s appearing to be cooperating with our plans thus far! If you are in the Ottawa Valley this weekend make sure to get suited up, grab your board and head out to Bate Island, mingle with the local River Surfing Community and watch the regions top-notch River Surfers rip up The Wall!
For more information on the Second Annual Ottawa River Surf Jam check out the Facebook Event Page or contact surfsidesteven@gmail.com
To order your own CANADA LAND LOCKED SURFING T-SHIRT Click here Or if you you’re in Ottawa check out Surf Side, They have a limited number of T’s!
Ashley Fraser of the Ottawa Citizen took the Photos of Alex Copp Judging1, Dave Crichton Surfing2 and Bate Island4. Josh Brose took the Photo of John Rathwell Surfing3