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How to Find Surf in Iowa

As a global crew of Land Locked Surfers, one of our goals is to build an archive of Community Leaders passionate about helping others discover the stoke of surfing outside of the ocean. This will help accomplish our vision of having an accessible point person for each surf community, location, and discipline. For example, if you live the United States, especially in the Iowa region, and you are trying to find inland surf then Hannah Ray J is our recommended resource for you. Her river surfing network runs deep in Iowa and she is passionate about sharing with others the stoke she finds out on the water!

For questions about surfing in Iowa it’s best to contact Hannah through her Instagram: @hannah_rayj

Let’s get to know Hannah, your Iowa surf connection!

Q: Give us some background, who is Hannah Ray J?

Hannah: I’m a northeast Iowa native, farm-kid, artist, river surfer, and whitewater paddler. Throughout childhood my mother told me, “Only you are in charge of your happiness”. I took that to heart and it is precisely what I’m doing today; river surfing, whitewater paddling, and sharing my passion for the river! If I can get a hold of an interested ear, prepare to have it talked off about river surfing. I’m in the river at any time of year as much as possible. Whether that’s surfing my local wave on my shortboard and sup or chasing rain and learning new tricks in my whitewater kayak. There is no start or end to the surf “season” in Iowa, just slower times!

When I’m not on the river, I bring ideas to life through graphic design, care for my border collie, Bella, who has megaesophagus, and spend time with friends and family.

Q: How and when did you get into Surfing in Iowa?

Hannah: I first got into surfing in Iowa by spotting a local whitewater paddler on the river. He was ripping a river wave in a kayak! I was stoked, and eagerly waited for him to head to the riverbank so I could inquire, “How do I learn to do that?!!” In short order, I bought my first whitewater kayak, learned to roll, and started figuring out how to surf in a kayak.

Then, Charles City put in Iowa’s first whitewater park. Game changer! An inviting place to surf and paddle your heart out! Ty Graham showed up with his custom river surfer SUP and encouraged me to try it out. Prior to this point I had only seen longer sups on flat, calm lakes and thought, “why would anyone want to paddle a sup?” After seeing Ty surf a wave and trying it for myself, I was hooked! Bonus, my whitewater kayaking experience expedited the learning curve for standing on a board. Each time I step on a board or paddle my kayak I learn something new and surfing a river wave is just FUN!

Q: Through your eyes describe the surf scene in your area, what are you doing to help it grow?

Hannah: The river surf scene in Iowa is still in it’s infancy. There’s only a handful of us around the state, so it makes for a tight-knit group of rad people. River surfing is gaining more interest; whitewater parks are being engineered with river waves and each time I’m on the water people are asking, “How do I try that?!” I assist Charles City Whitewater with their Charles City Challenge event, a weekend of family friendly whitewater fun for all. During Charles City’s annual event I host Iowa’s only SUP surfing clinic, introducing all skill levels to river surfing. Whenever I head to the river I typically have extra gear with me and impromptu surf lessons are my favorite.  I’m happy to share what I know! As more whitewater is engineered here in Iowa, its just a matter of time before people discover just how much fun river surfing is.

Q: As a Land Locked Surfing Community Leader, what are your areas of expertise new riders should ask you about?

Hannah: I love surfing our river waves on a shortboard, SUP, and whitewater kayak. Sharing my passion for the river is what I strive for. I’m happy to help however I can; how to river surf our waves, when is the best time to go, which water levels work best, which equipment works well, local outfitter availability, and places to stay and eat. I have an abundance of information about surfing Iowa and I’m here to share it, just ask!

Q: What drives you to get better everyday?

Hannah: My drive is just how much FUN it is to be out there. River surfing is utterly in-the-moment, pure joy. Spending time outside on the river fills my soul and I get to meet the greatest people along the way.

Q: What are your surfing/life goals for this year?

Hannah: Simple answer; Surf Even More! Attending a few more events, learning new tricks, refining tricks, getting more people on boards, and having the most fun that I can while sharing the surf joy with those around me.

Q: In your world of surfing, who do you look up to most and why?

Hannah: I’m grateful to have close friends that support me, encourage me, and challenge me. Ty Graham has this contagious energy that pushes me to be my very best and try new tricks. Marty Colbert is my rock; he is always ready to hit the river (even if there’s ice chunks in it). Carl Neubauer has this cool, collected jive that makes trips and new rivers so smooth. The Perreault family has such bountiful excitement, spending time with them puts smiles of faces for days. There’s just too many amazing people near and far to list!

Q: Outside of river surfing what are your other passions?

Hannah: As I hinted to earlier, whitewater kayaking goes hand in hand with river surfing. Whitewater kayaking has allowed me to progress quicker in river surfing, by learning river currents, spending time underwater, practicing tricks, being in uncomfortable positions, and its so much fun! Off the river, I enjoy hiking, cross country skiing, winter camping, riding motorcycle, and finding new adventures.

Q:  What is something funny very few people may know about you?

Hannah: I have a very convincing hen turkey call!

Closing Thoughts: River surfing and whitewater is pure fun for me! Whether you’re already in Iowa or passing through, give me a shout I would love to surf with you and show you around my neck of the woods!

Questions about surfing in Iowa? Best to contact Hannah through her Instagram: @hannah_rayj


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3 Ways to Surf In Texas

Texas is a great land of surf opportunity, and Taylor Quin is here to help you discover 3 different ways to score some inland surf! As a global crew of Land Locked Surfers, one of our goals is to build an archive of Community Leaders passionate about helping others discover the stoke of surfing outside of the ocean. This will help accomplish our vision of having an accessible point person for each surf community, location, and discipline. For the Texas region, Taylor Quin is our recommended resource for you. He is a jack of all surf trades and is passionate about sharing with others the stoke he gets out on the water!

For questions about surfing in Texas it’s best to contact Taylor through his Instagram:  @_tquin_ 

Let’s get to know Taylor, your Texas surf connection!

Q: Give us some background, who is Taylor Quin?

Taylor: I’m a student, surfer, adventurer, and explorer Born in Houston, but spent a lot of time on the coast and in lakes nearby. I’m currently living on Padre Island. I’ve always enjoyed action sports in general; at an early age I began surfing, skateboarding, racing BMX, cliff jumping and wakeboarding. In more recent years surfing, wake surfing, and snowboarding have been HUGE passions of mine. I love meeting new people and traveling to other countries. My girlfriend Shannon, our Black Lab, and I do so as much as possible. I’m all about sharing the stoke and enjoying life!

Q: How and when did you get into Surfing in Texas?

Taylor: I first got into Wake Surfing when I was about 10 years old, but you could hardly call it wake surfing haha. My dad would pull me on my surfboard or skimboard behind our 20 foot fishing boat in the Gulf of Mexico, conditions were less than optimal and letting go of the rope was not an option but I loved every second of it. I continued surfing and doing similar activities throughout my early teenage years until I had access to a boat that had a surf able wake. I was 16 when I first experienced the reality of an endless 3 foot wave, naturally, I was hooked for life.

Q: Through your eyes describe the surf scene in your area, what are you doing to help it grow?

Taylor: The surf scene in Texas is hungry, and frothing! With the opening of Nlandsurpark, surfers landlocked in Austin, Dallas, San Antonio and Houston now can make a day trip to a home break that is firing from 8:00am-9:00pm. When traveling, people are shocked when they hear I’m a Texas Surfer. It’s not uncommon to hear, “You guys have a beach?” or “There aren’t waves in Texas!”. We get waves, you just have to know where and when to look. We also have warm water year round; surfing or wake surfing without a wet-suit on Christmas day occurs frequently.

Q: What drives you to get better everyday and progress?

Taylor: The feeling I experience when learning a new trick or maneuver is what drives me to seek progression. Surfing is one of those skills that takes a lifetime to master and I am prepared to dedicate mine to doing so. All surfers know the feeling you get when dropping into a wave; it will never get old and keeps me young!

Q: What are your goals for 2017?

Taylor: My goals as a wake surfer for 2017 are to surf as often as possible with good people and glassy conditions. As far as river surfing, I’d love to see what the Pacific Northwest has to offer. Down on the coast, all I want is a clean 6-8ft swell! I am also focused on spreading the stoke and helping all of my buddies with the progression of their surfing.

Q: In your world of surfing who do you look up to most and why?

Taylor: I really admire creativity when it comes to surfing. The first name that comes to mind is Austin Keen, although he’s a skim boarder, his ability and creativity while wake surfing always fascinates me and drives me to try new things. Connor Burns definitely shreds, Keenan Flegel and Sean Cummings are two other wake surfers with sick style. My buddy Tegan Gainan kills it on the longboard; I look up to whoever is having the most fun and catching the most waves, isn’t that why we do it?

Q: As a Land Locked Surfing Community Leader, what are your areas of expertise new riders should ask you about?

Taylor: As a community leader, I will be able to provide a diverse array of information regarding surfing spots along the entire coast of Texas, river breaks in the center of Texas, Nlandsurfpark in Austin, the best lakes/rivers to wake surf, where to safely cliff jump where to stay and what other activities you may be interested in doing while in my area!

Q: Outside of surfing what are your other passions?

Taylor: I spend most of my time down on Padre Island, and near Austin or San Antonio but I travel frequently. Other than wake surfing, I try to surf the coast as much as possible. Fall through Spring, it’s fairly common to have a 2-6ft wind swell but conditions tend to be mostly flat in the summer. My other passions are cliff Jumping, hiking, skateboarding, skimboarding, fishing, camping, snowboarding, traveling and hanging out with good people.

Q:  What is something funny very few people may know about you?

Taylor: I love dogs, I have a half black lab, half border collie named Mia Wallace, after the Lester Wallace’s Wife in Pulp Fiction, which is probably my favorite movie of all time!

Closing Thoughts: I’m stoked to be a part of the landlocked surfing community and am excited to network with fellow surfers around the world, spread the word about the Texas surf scene, and help others learn how and where to enjoy it! I’m always searching for a wave and chasing the sun, I love helping others find their wave learn to shred it.

Questions about surfing in Texas? Best to contact Taylor through his Instagram: @_tquin_ 

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Find Surf in PA with Adriane

As a global crew of Land Locked Surfers, We are pursuing our goal to build an archive of Community Leaders passionate about helping others discover the stoke of surfing outside of the ocean. This network will help accomplish our vision of an accessible point person for each surf community, location, and discipline. For example if you live the United States, Pennsylvania region, and are trying to Catch some inland surf, then Adriane Ohrum is our recommended point of contact.

If you are looking to get into wake surfing in Pennsylvania, need insight on different lakes, or just want some pointers, reach Adriane via her Instagram account: @adriane.ohrum 

Let’s get to know Adriane, your Pennsylvania wake surf connection!

Q: Give us some background, who is Adriane Ohrum?

Ohrum: I’m a mom, sister, daughter, and seeker of beings who live out loud.  Being in my early 40s, I am just coming into my own and no longer setting aside the things I want to manifest in my life.  Wake surfing is a HUGE part of the things I have (and continue to) manifest, and seeking out to connect with others in the wakesurfing community has added a vibrancy to my life I didn’t know was possible until now.  In my day job, I’m a social media consultant, and when I’m not helping others connect and engage with their ideal audiences through social platforms, I’m super active and enjoy running, biking, weight training, hiking, traveling, painting and drawing, and re-purposing furniture.  Oh, and did I mention I love to wake surf? 😉

Q: How and when did you get into Wake Surfing in the Pennsylvania?

Ohrum:  I started wake surfing around 2009.  At first, it was what we all did to just goof off between wake boarding sets, but having bad knees, I quickly realized that surfing was much more forgiving and low-impact and a much better choice for me.  But I didn’t really find my spark and my passion for wake surfing until about 3 years ago when I decided to try more tricks and push my boundaries a bit.

Q: Through your eyes, describe the surf scene in PA, what are you doing to help it grow?

Ohrum:  The wake surf scene in our area is a bit sparse in my opinion and I would very much like to see it grow.  Most of the time, I surf on a private lake in a gated community.  We have a lot of HOA rules that prevent us from surfing as much as one might on a public lake or river, and we are also restricted to smaller boats.  I have started branching out to surfing on the Susquehanna River where there are less restrictions, but I find that in my area, there are a lot of misconceptions about surfing and I’d like to be able to help educate people about wake surfing and get more people interested.

Q: What drives you to get better everyday and move up the ranks?

Ohrum: Because I am part of the CWSA (Competitive Wake Surf Association), I have some pretty amazing friends that I have made connections with through wake surf competitions.  I have never experienced a community – a family – of people with similar interests who support and encourage the way my surf family does.  Once I took the plunge and registered for my first surf comp, I have excelled in my riding so much simply because I have such a great support and encouragement system from riders who are better than I am.  And that’s the key – you really have to try to ride with people who are better than you to really learn.

Q: What Are your goals as a wake surfer for 2017?

Ohrum:  I competed at the Lake Anna Wake Surf Open in June.  I placed 2nd in my division, which was combined due to low registration in the Women’s Masters Divisions. My next competition is Nationals in Georgia, and between now and then, it is my goal to work on my airs, and also to learn to ride revert so that I can work on adding an Alley Oop to my trick list.  So far, it’s proving to be very, very challenging! 

Q: In the world of wake surfing who do you look up to most, and why?

Ohrum: I am really fortunate to have two fantastic friends who really encourage me, and they are both really phenomenal riders that I aspire to ride like.  Colleen Cain is a semi-pro wake surfer (and also fellow Land Locked Surfing pal) and she is also my Big Sister in the SheShreds Sisterhood of Ambassadors.  She is the poster child of what a wake surfer should be because she rallies behind all female wake surfers and demonstrates compassion, dedication and above all, she reminds everyone that the heart of wake surfing is about having the time of your life.  Evan Feierabend is also a semi-pro wake surfer who simply never seems to stop smiling.  He introduces so many people to the sport of wake surfing and does it will smiles and laughter and never makes anyone feel like they can’t do it.  His encouragement for me to keep trying at tricks I might feel are out of my reach helps me stay in the game and keep at it – all with a smile.

Q: As a Land Locked Surfing Community Leader, what are your areas of expertise new riders should ask you about?

Ohrum: I am predominantly a surf style rider, so I can help surfers who are looking to get started or advance to a surf style board.  I am also pretty well versed in surfing on older boats, so I am a good resource for inboard boaters who want help understanding how to weight their boats with ballast to try surfing out.  I can also help direct people to find places to surf where it is safe to do so, and help connect them with the right people in their area of PA who can help them with local outfitters, boat dealers and wake surf experts.

Q: Outside of Wake surfing what are your other passions?

Ohrum: Living an active life is of major importance to me.  I love traveling and experiencing new people and places, and I love being outdoors.  I’m especially drawn to water, but I am also drawn to mountains.  I am also very creative and love visual arts like painting and photography.  I’m often seen behind a camera, capturing both the action and the scenery wherever I go and in the winter months I’m often found in my art studio painting and using mixed media to create my abstract visions.

Q:  What is something funny very few people may know about you?

Ohrum: Well, if it’s funny, I’m pretty sure most people probably already know it about me.  Humor is a major flavor of my life and if I can make light of myself and take life a bit less seriously, then I’m game.

If you are looking to get into wake surfing in PA, insight on different lakes, or just want some pointers, you can reach Adriane via her Instagram account: @adriane.ohrum 

Keep an eye out as we will be introducing more Community Leaders from more regions and across more disciplines. In the meantime, head on over to @land_locked_surfing to see what other inland surfers are doing all over the world to get their fix! Keep the stoke alive!